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Frequently Asked Questions


Environmental Concerns

What about the impacts of Fresh Ficus production on the environment?


At FabNature, we care about the environment–we're literally creating green spaces in the US. That's why we complete all of our production overseas, so that air quality is not being negatively impacted by any production practices. 


Mechanical Isuues

Sometimes, my Fresh Ficus™ fails to turn on, and other times makes a loud grinding sound and scoots across the floor on its own. What can I do?


We recommend one of four options to troubleshoot the problem:

1) give up, throw it away, and buy another.

2) kick it until it works.

3) unplug it and plug it back in.

4) take it to a licenced FabNature dealership. It may be haunted or need a new hard drive.


Pitch & Reading List

You are probably thinking, "this is all fine and good but why in the world did you choose a website as your Fully Realized Project, and how can I learn more?"


Well, you can find the complete Project Pitch and Reading List HERE


Problems with Discount Code at Time of Checkout

Many of our customers have complained about the discount code provided in a radio ad not working at the time of checking out items at, even though it was within the 12 hour window of the airing of the ad. 


Indeed, we discontinued this extended period of savings because we were losing too much money. Currently, If you want to benefit from the discount, you must order within 5 minutes of the airing of the ad.


Annotated Bibliography

You may be saying to yourself, "I'm dying over here, I need some sources for all this information!" 


Well, here at FabNature, we've got you COVERED.


Issues with Oil Cartridges

We have received many complaints concerning stained floors as a result of leaky oil cartridges.


As you will find in the fine print of the waiver you sign during the purchase of one of our Ficuses, "FabNature is not liable for any damage to one's person or property resulting from the presence of a Ficus™ in their home, and any mechanical abnormalities that may occur are exclusively and entirely the result of user error." This is what we call in the business a "skill-issue checkmate."

Get in Touch

324 Observatory Street

Ann Arbor, MI 48109


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